ЙННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН є TommySoftware CAD/Draw Version 1.05 (BBS release) ЪДДДДДДДДДДДДД і Registering In order to register TommySoftware CAD/Draw, chosse the command REGISTER... in the HELP menu of TommySoftware CAD/Draw. This will display a registration form, that you can print, complete and send to the autorized shareware dealer whos address is stated in the form. ЪДДДДДДДДДДДД і Bonus disk After you have registered your copy of TommySoftware CAD/Draw, you will get the following: - a printed manual - a license agreement - a license card - a bonus disk The bonus disk contains at least the following: - File format converters - Vector fonts DXF -> MPG HELVETICA MPG -> DXF TIMES VEK -> MPG After having registered the program, there will be no ABOUT box or warning coming up each time the program starts, and the phrase "UNREGISTERED VERSION" in the title bar will disappear. As of September 1992